Living Rocks of Mexico
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus

[ Habitat ]



Location: Tula, Tamaulipas

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus albiflorus
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus albiflorus LRM168, in flower at Tula.

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus albiflorus LRM168, no comment needed!!

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus albiflorus LRM168,a pink flowered albiflora! growing at Tula.



Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus albiflorus has been described as a variety because of the white flower. However, as these illustrations show pink flowering plants, indistinguishable from those of the Coahuila populations also occur. The plants occur in large numbers, but the land is flat and suitable for development so this interesting site could easily become obliterated in the future.

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