Living Rocks of Mexico
Ariocarpus retusus subsp. retusus

[ Habitat ]



Location: Dr Arroyo, Nuevo Leon

Ariocarpus retusus Ariocarpus retusus Ariocarpus retusus
Ariocarpus retusus LRM180, in habitat near Dr Arroyo.

Ariocarpus retusus LRM180, The Dr Arroyo plants are predominantly the A. furfuraceus form of the species.

Ariocarpus retusus LRM180, a three headed specimen.



The plants of A. retusus near Dr Arroyo occur on low gently sloping hills, and are of the A. furfuraceus type. The location is notable also for the vast numbers of Pelecyphora strobiliformis which occur in association with the Ariocarpus.

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